Thursday, September 3, 2009

Speaking up is liberating and can protect others..

It is a shame that people who were abused often keep their story within themselves. They suffer in silence. They cry alone. They fall apart inside and dont let anyone in. No one knows why they may have became quiet or why they are now hiding away from everyone. It is all really sad. But, for some it is scary to speak up, because you never know who is going to believe you. Because you are embarassed. Because you dont want to look dirty or disgusting. Because you are afraid people will look at you differently. There are so many reasons. I know, because I did hide. When I was a little girl, I hid the abuse of my step-father from my mother, to protect her from being hurt. I was so afraid that she would fall apart if she knew what he did to me. When the sad thing is, when I look back on the entire situation, she did fall apart anyway, because he was a horrible man in many other ways beside what he did to me. If I would have spoken up, perhaps she could have been saved from that man. But, then who knows. In all reality, the "what ifs" are not important. The past can not be changed. All we can do is create the present moment as we would like it to be and prepare ourselves for a better tomorrow.
Speaking up about our abuse, yes can be scary for many reasons. But, there is a liberating effect that happens when you finally tell someone know what has happened to you. Whether it is a therapist, a trusted friend, a family member, or a free hotline. Trust me, you will feel better. Just make sure it is with someone you can trust. I have had strangers approach me just to tell me their story that they never shared with anyone else. That little bit of sharing, lightened their face and their heart. I seen it them brightened right in front of me. Absolutely beautiful to see them relax anf feel a little more free.
When that police officer did what he did to me, I was absolutely terrified to speak up. In my mind, I had no other option, because he could have gone out there again and did it to someone else. And, unfortunately, an abuser does not only attack one victim. They go after more. So, by you speaking up, you will free yourself, and perhaps, protect others from experiencing what happened to you.
Remember, no matter what has happened to you, you are still a worthy person. You still have the right to be happy, to trust, to feel whole again, and to have healthy, secure relationships.

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